Friday, March 5, 2021

If you can choose ... 💙

    Love is not a commodity that must be chosen to evaluate the quality of which one is better, which one is worse, which one should be taken and which one should not be taken. Love is not an option, but we will choose what we love without fear of getting involved. Love someone, but we are afraid to wait, if so, what is the difference between carrying money to shop in the store, and we also think that if this place can not be bought, we will go to another place better, but love is not Where is that? If you can choose to love anyone, then in this world there will be no one to suffer because of love. There are people who love us! But we did not love them back. When we refuse, they are heartbroken, but we do not know how to help them. There are people we love but they do not love us. We are heartbroken, but they are also trying to get away from us because they understand that their presence only adds to our pain. The only thing we can do is not make them fall in love with us or choose us, but we can use that love for someone as a motivator for ourselves. Be yourself today and make this day the day we dreamed it would be. Today they do not have love for us, not sure that the next day they will change their minds to love us, but for us, once understood, we will no longer demand this or that. We only ask for the opportunity to breathe and continue our work as before, as well as to know the news and their well-being from time to time.
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Excerpts from the book # Journey


Thank you for being honest

    One day the people we are loyal to may betray us, but honesty will not betray us. We may be abandoned by someone, but we should not forget to admit that we ourselves have abandoned someone, or that one day we may be abandoned. Do we suffer because others do not understand us, but do we ever suffer because we do not understand ourselves? We are with ourselves every day, there are days when we have conflicts with ourselves. What about other people who live somewhere other than us, how will they understand us all the time? We can be honest with someone because we are already honest. We can give respect to someone because we have value as human beings, because if we have no inner value, we do not know what to give to others. Sometimes we do good, but that good is not recognized. Ask if we have to give up being good enough? If so, we do good because we want others to praise us, but we do not do it because we understand goodness. Living to please others is exhausting and living to please others is exhausting. So we have to live right, live comfortably, because the time left for this living is not much. If we know how to live our day to the fullest, more or less it is just a matter of time. In this life, if there is something we need to make a decision, we must decide with our responsibility, because no one will take responsibility for this life for us. When we break the law, society has laws to punish us. When we do the right thing, we can be appreciated by people in our society. But in any case, we must live with respect for the law and do the right thing with the right understanding. We do not do good because we are praised for it, but we do it because we have an appreciation for it. If this life is difficult and requires us to struggle. Do we have to work hard to get someone to show off? Or if we stop striving in life and give up life, no longer think, no longer care, let destiny live one day for another. What do we do to get someone to pity us?
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 Excerpt from the book #Walking out the past


Expect too much good things from others

    "Many good people we have met may leave us one day, but if we were good we would stay with ourselves until the last breath." In fact, we want to find as many good people as possible, and this is true. The hardest thing for us is that we ourselves are not good people. We can not make ourselves good, at least we can not make ourselves what we expect them to be. We ourselves do good for ourselves, it is so difficult, who should come and do good for us? If we do not even know how to love ourselves, what can we do to break the hearts of those who do not love us? We ourselves do not know how to value ourselves, how can we blame others who do not value us? We ourselves have lied to ourselves many times, we have forgotten, so what can we do to break the heart of those who lied to us? Whatever the hardest thing is to start with yourself .... If we can do it ourselves, then nothing is difficult for us anymore. While we are trying to find good people, we have lost ourselves in being a good person. While we are trying to find people who love us, we often forget to love ourselves. While we want people to take care of us, we forget to take good care of ourselves. No one can think of good things for us, can do good for us, and can achieve the good things we want for us. To get something good, we must start doing it ourselves. We have to give up time, including physical and mental strength, to overcome obstacles and accept all difficulties to get them. Our devotion will make us more and more proud of ourselves. Believe it! In this world, if we have a good self, we will have everything and not be afraid of losing it. There is no other reason to look for good people than we are good people. Because so many good people come into our lives, we get it until we ourselves are good people.
Excerpts from the book # Life Sciences 
Picture of Peijin's Art | Illustrator on Instagram


Monday, March 1, 2021

I remember a favourite poem of mine related to this subject.

    I remember a favourite poem of mine related to this subject. It is easy enough to be pleasant; When life flows like a sweet song. But the man worthwhile, Is the one who can smile, When things go dead wrong. 🌷How each one of us copes with these periods of things going ‘dead wrong’ is a major component of the ‘meaning of happiness’, regardless of our money, power and prestige. It is a basic human need that everyone wants to live a happy life. For this, one has to experience real happiness. The so-called happiness that one experiences by having money, power, and indulging in sensual pleasures is not real happiness. It is very fragile, unstable and fleeting. For real happiness, for lasting stable happiness, one has to make a journey deep within oneself and get rid of all the unhappiness stored in the deeper levels of the mind. As long as there is misery at the depth of the mind all attempts to feel happy at the surface level of the mind prove futile. This stock of unhappiness at the depth of the mind keeps on multiplying as long as one keeps generating negativities such as anger, hatred, illwill, and animosity. The law of nature is such that as soon as one generates negativity, unhappiness arises simultaneously. It is impossible to feel happy and peaceful when one is generating negativity in the mind. Peace and negativity cannot coexist just as light and darkness cannot coexist. There is a systematic scientific exercise developed by a great super-scientist of my ancient country by which one can explore the truth pertaining to the mind-body phenomenon at the experiential level. This technique is called Vipassana, which means observing the reality objectively, as it is. The technique helps one to develop the faculty of feeling and understanding the interaction of mind and matter within one's own physical structure.


Since the school was closed

    Since the school was closed, I have never been to school. The school I went to was as quiet as a graveyard, so no one went to school. Every day I stay in the room, I do not go out, I sleep, I wake up every day until the day I pay the room, I never have money to pay, I only ask for money from my mother in the district Today, I do not know what to do in my mind, like stress, my brain wants to go out for a little fun, but I do not know where to go, because people never walk, do not know the streets in the city, the road is maze like a finger, do not know which way to go No? I pulled the motorbike out of the room, got drunk for a while, after I rode to school at 12 noon, the leaves fell all over the ground, the wind blew the leaves next to the weeds should be my love against the motorbike and came to sit On a bench near a mango tree, feeling like coming out of a room is like coming out of a prison, so to speak, from being fresh, you used to be in a rented room like I did, how happy is this feeling? At school, it was really quiet now, I remembered the homework the teacher sent me through the telegram, pulled out pens and books to do the homework. After doing some homework, I heard a faint sound from the building on the 6th floor, I did not know what the sound was, because the wind was too strong, I could not hear, I tried to listen and heard clearly, the sound of shouting for help. "Is there anyone here, please help me, help me ... help me ..." I just heard this voice immediately, I did not think of anything, in my heart I know but fear because I do not know who you are What happened above and the school is quiet, no one knows who to help. I hurried to the stairwell and dialed 6 to go upstairs. When I got to the top, I heard this faint sound more and more clearly in room 612, I hurried to go quickly, but the room was locked and I do not know who is inside. Looking behind my back, I suddenly came across a hammer that was leaning against the wall, I did not hesitate to lift the hammer to the locks of one hand, one hand holding the hammer, the other hand pulled the door open. I walked inside the room, but it was really dark because all the windows were closed, I could not see anything, only piles of furniture on top of each other, I shouted. "Who's there ... Who's there ..." But the room seemed quiet, I shouted louder. "Is there anyone in here ...? Still no one answered me "Group ...! The door closed by itself, I felt like I was haunted, no, I had to get out of here as fast as I could. I ran to the exit door, but the door was closed and I looked back and saw a woman sitting on the desk, dressed as a student, with her hair down, looking at me. "Help me too" This is not the sound of people shouting for help, it is the sound of me shouting for help. I do not know what happened, the door opened by itself, I ran quickly to the elevator box, coincidentally very good, the elevator box door was waiting for me, I ran in without looking and stepped into the stairs The elevator goes, but the elevator box does not have a floor for the floor. I fell from the six-story building, died very badly, now I am waiting for you to take turns in this elevator, please hurry to come to me, hurry up, hurry up, I am waiting for you ...!