Thursday, February 25, 2021

Clarity Money App Review — BEST FINANCE AND BANKING APP?

    Once you’ve set up your accounts, the first info you’ll come across in your feed — following a brief weather report and greeting, that is — is a look at your current balances. This includes your cash on hand (meaning account balances, not literal cash), credit card debt totals, and investment balances. Below that is another fairly standard feature: a list of recent transactions you’ve made. However one nice touch is the inclusion of company logos that sit beside these transactions. After those basics comes a selection of other widget-type blocks that may vary from user to user. In my case I currently have a reminder of my credit card bill’s due date, a graphic totaling my income so far this month, and a graph representing how much I’ve spent compared to what I’m expected to earn for the month.
    In the past year, I’ve reviewed my fair share of personal finance apps. The latest personal finance app to come across my desk is Clarity Money, and I’m happy to report that its elegance and original features combine to create a great banking hub worthy of your consideration.

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