Wednesday, February 24, 2021


    Our house is very beautiful, the land is fertile, it can easily feed my people to live happily, but there should be no rain, war, floods, water to kill my people, no one in this world is better and more desirable to live in than my country. That no Favorable weather, monsoon, dry monsoon. There is a river that the world does not have in the river, there are fish and other biodiversity that can not be counted for three, only 16 million of my people really do not eat all this is true My house has everything, farmland, fields, rice fields, three people, my people are diligent and we live happily, no nation is as happy as the Cambodian people. - But we lack human resources Lack of education, like e-mail, historical enemies (Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai) - Quickly forget the original item E-mail your own nation to give more foreign value than your own nation There are problems that can not be solved, like to rely on other nations to help - Loss of morality, - Do not love ancestral culture, prefer to destroy rather than care - Kindness with historical thieves (Vietnamese, Chinese, Thai) - Love gold, silver, merit, party wealth, rather than patriotism - Bey loves someone, believes someone, and does not touch, does not believe blindly, both religiously and politically, for no clear reason Short-sightedness ... These factors are due to lack of education, not receiving Study and learn these factors and make our people lose their happiness, no nationalism, no morality, e-mail, easy to be your own nation, you are not easy to be Khmer, you are not worthy and you are not Khmer because this poor nation does not Tattoos and players, if you are fit, you will not easily miss this poor nation. អ្នក If you want the nation to prosper, want the nation to be prosperous, people have a double job, have morals, respect each other, do not utter insulting words, do not like to care about useless things, you must learn to have real knowledge. Intellectuals in reading, writing, listening, questioning, answering, this is the resource that the world wants. Wealth has many opportunities to earn, but knowledge has the right time, the three countries have a kettle war like April 17, 1975, wealth and meaningless, but knowledge is always needed, can not be lacking, this is just my dream A little bit to the reader.


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